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QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills 2 [Workbook]

QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Language Skills 2 [Workbook]

4技能でひろがる 中級日本語カルテット ワークブック2

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Author: Tadashi Sakamoto (Supervising editor)
Akemi Yasui (Author)
Yuriko Ide (Author)
Miyuki Doi (Author)
Hideki Hamada (Author)
Date Published: 2020/12/20
Audio: No audio
Genre: Comprehensive
Level: Upper Intermediate

This workbook is designed as a companion resource for QUARTET: Intermediate Japanese Across the Four Skills II (Lessons 7–12). It provides exercises for checking understanding of the readings and practicing the 文型・表現ノート material of each lesson, as well as exercises for 上級へのチャレンジ and 漢字チャレンジ in the Brush-ups section.


(1) Lessons 7–12

(A)×チェック: These are true-or-false questions for checking your understanding of the reading as a whole.

(B)読みのストラテジー 練習 These exercises are for practicing the lesson’s 読みのストラテジー.
(C)内容質問: These exercises challenge you to examine the reading in greater detail through questions on sentence structure, how sentences are connected, and the gist of each section. 

(A)基本練習: These are basic exercises that require output.

(B)まとめの練習 These cover all items in the lesson, and come in three types: fill-in-the-blank (adding a suitable pattern or expression), sentence formation, and composition using the target patterns and expressions.

(2) Brush-ups

上級へのチャレンジ ワーク:These problems check your understanding of 上級へのチャレンジ. 
漢字チャレンジ ワーク:This is a set of exercises for 漢字チャレンジ. 


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