GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese [Third Edition]

Mary & Takeshi

GENKI is a bestselling Japanese language textbook cherished worldwide, with over 3.5 million copies sold!

GENKI presents key grammar points and approx. 300 kanji and 1,700 words needed by elementary learners in 23 lessons divided into two volumes. It actively incorporates words and expressions relatable to learners and is packed with communicative exercises. The easy-to-follow grammar commentary also facilitates for flipped classroom teaching and self-study. GENKI’s fun and effective approach to student-centered Japanese language learning has made it a popular resource around the globe.



GENKI Series Titles

 Textbooks & Workbooks

(Version française)

 (Version en español)


Teacher’s Guide & Answer Key


Teacher’s Data Pack
Digital aids for instructors

Smartphone Apps
Study apps completely based on GENKI (iOS/Android)


Related Materials

Elementary readers completely based on GENKI grammar and vocabulary

Guide for visually learning 512 kanji, including all 317 kanji studied in GENKI


GENKI website


Exclusive Offer: GENKI Special Sets

These discounted sets include the textbook, workbook, and answer key, plus GENKI Japanese Readers (readings tailored to each lesson's level, with one book per lesson)

GENKI Japanese Readers (for institutional customers)

Institutional Sales of GENKI Teacher’s Data Pack

Special pricing is available for schools, businesses, and other institutions regardless of the number of teachers.

Application is required for purchases. Click the button below to apply.

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