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Audio e-book

Nihongo Alive: Listen & Learn from Real-life Conversations Beginning & Intermediate

Nihongo Alive: Listen & Learn from Real-life Conversations Beginning & Intermediate

リアルな会話で学ぶ にほんご初中級リスニング Alive

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Author: Osamu Kamada (Supervisor)
Michie Yamamori (Author)
Kumiko Kaneniwa (Author)
Yukiko Okuno (Author)
Date Published: 2021/11/20
Audio: Available
Genre: Listening
Level: Elementary

Learner-participation teaching materials for beginner and intermediate level learners to simultaneously develop listening and communication skills

By listening to real conversations based on the natural, casual talk of Japanese language speakers, then putting themselves in the "you" role, learners acquire active listening comprehension skills.



Audio reproduced in a near-natural form

Based on scripts rewritten from actual informal conversation between Japanese language users as teaching materials, conversations between "you" and "your friend/junior student" are recorded as realistically as possible, including natural aizuchi interjections and filler phrases.


Three main conversation styles for each unit

Three styles of conversations are provided for each unit, each with similar interaction patterns but different topics. Even learners who are not used to actual conversation can practice repeatedly without overdoing it or getting bored.


Take an active role in conversation with the "あなたカード (anata card)"

Information and background knowledge needed to participate in a conversation are presented in the form of "あなたカード (anata card)." By taking on the "anata=you" role when listening, learners develop listening comprehension skills to respond appropriately to situations.


Full color

Full-color images of objects and places mentioned in the topics are provided. Learners can listen to the audio while imagining each topic in their mind's eye.


Unit 1 みんなでたこ焼き (Takoyaki Party)
Unit 2 だぶった! (What? You, Too?)
Unit 3 健康にはスムージー (Staying Healthy with Smoothies)
Unit 4 桜の下でランニング (Running under the Cherry Blossoms)
Unit 5 なんかいいことあった? (Any Good News?)
Unit 6 これがおすすめ (I Recommend. . .)
Unit 7 温泉大好き (Gotta Love Those Hot Springs)
Unit 8 旅行に行ったけど (So, I Went on a Trip)
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